Good communication is the foundation that any positive relationship is built upon. This day and age of technology, which is supposed to improve and accelerate communications, has done much to break it down. I remember being in “so called” love in the ninth grade and my boyfriend at the time would write these long letters to me. We lived minutes away from each other and saw each other often, but I regularly received and wrote handwritten letters.

How could a teenage boy express his love better than a thirty-something year old man? Is it that life was much simpler back then? Is there a reasonable excuse for the deterioration in good communication between a man and a woman? Is life so fast paced that we can’t make time for simple letter writing or face-to-face conversation?

Emails are so impersonal. They don’t require any effort. But there’s something about the ink to the sheet, the folding, the stuffing an envelope, licking the stamp, and personally taking it to the mailbox that makes letters and the poems like the ones I used to get so sweet.

Have we forgotten the little ways to express love or is it that we just don’t really know love at all? Maybe the more important question is, if a person doesn’t do anything like that, are they proving that they have any genuine feeling for you? It just takes a moment to get a sweet sentiment started. It can be simple, or you can take time to craft the perfect words. Either way, we just need to take the time to express them.

Taken from Submission, Communication, RelatingandWorth, by Jasmine Powers.  All rights reserved.
