Archives for posts with tag: love letter

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“The privilege of a lifetime is to be who you are” (Joseph Campbell).

This is one of our favorite quotes here at Love Letter for Hire because it speaks so deeply to the essence of love. One cannot love another fully and freely if they do not love themselves first, and that means, you must “see” who you are as a privilege. This is not boasting or a chance to pump up one’s ego. It is the heart of truth. When you accept, embrace and fall in love with who you are – the good, bad and the ugly of your being – the universe opens up its heart to you and plants at your feet all that you desire. One of the key components of abundance is love. Everyone wants it – craves it, will do anything for it. But what we must come to realize at the peril of our own living is that we must first start with ourselves. Shakespeare said it best: “To thine own self be true” (Hamlet).

Add this affirmation to your daily routine: “The privilege of a lifetime is to be who I am.” Take it into your heart and it will nourish your soul. Then, you will be ready for the greatest gift of all – LOVE! And it will be so good.

Visit us today at for more tips on loving, intimacy, romance and relationships.

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, so we have to start thinking about what we want to say, but, more importantly, how we want to say it. They say the pen and mouth are both mightier than the sword; they both can speak life or end life. So, it is important to craft one’s words especially when seeking a particular outcome. Don’t just throw words on the page and hope that your beloved “gets it.” No, tone is everything; word choice is everything. Writing is not simple; it is a process and has a desired outcome.

Whether you are writing a love letter to your beloved or just to yourself, take the time to prepare your words – your love story – because a love letter is not just a momentary experience, but a lifetime. Words bring back memories – allows one to relive the moment: the feelings, the smells, the sounds. A card is nice, but a love letter crafted from your own soul, mind and lips is even more significant and special because it came from the most secretive and guarded place in all of us: our heart.

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Good communication is the foundation that any positive relationship is built upon. This day and age of technology, which is supposed to improve and accelerate communications, has done much to break it down. I remember being in “so called” love in the ninth grade and my boyfriend at the time would write these long letters to me. We lived minutes away from each other and saw each other often, but I regularly received and wrote handwritten letters.

How could a teenage boy express his love better than a thirty-something year old man? Is it that life was much simpler back then? Is there a reasonable excuse for the deterioration in good communication between a man and a woman? Is life so fast paced that we can’t make time for simple letter writing or face-to-face conversation?

Emails are so impersonal. They don’t require any effort. But there’s something about the ink to the sheet, the folding, the stuffing an envelope, licking the stamp, and personally taking it to the mailbox that makes letters and the poems like the ones I used to get so sweet.

Have we forgotten the little ways to express love or is it that we just don’t really know love at all? Maybe the more important question is, if a person doesn’t do anything like that, are they proving that they have any genuine feeling for you? It just takes a moment to get a sweet sentiment started. It can be simple, or you can take time to craft the perfect words. Either way, we just need to take the time to express them.

Taken from Submission, Communication, RelatingandWorth, by Jasmine Powers.  All rights reserved.


In a world that is flooded with information technology, sometimes a simple handwritten letter can make all of the difference in a person’s day. The ancients believed that once love was declared on paper, written down, it was forever. I know that may sound a little over-exaggerated to you, but the ancients took the act of writing seriously.

Today, we are flooded with text messages, email, twitter and other technological gadgets that have made the physical act of putting pen to paper seem to complicated and too time-consuming. But think about it; when you get a handwritten postcard or letter in the mail from a friend or client, how does it make you feel? Chances are, your first reaction is “Ahh! How nice!” And why do you have that reaction? Because of the stuff mentioned above.

For someone to take the time out of their day to gather their thoughts and then sit down in front of a piece of paper and compose a message, says a lot about how they feel about you. That is what Love Letter for Hire is all about: bringing back initimacy – pen to paper – passion, love and even pain does “jump” off the page and into our spirits.

So, join us every week as we offer tips and ideas for re-igniting or creating the romantic flame in your life – to help you communicate what is most meaningful in your heart to the one you love. Whether it’s your anniversary, your wedding or just a plain “I was thinking about you today,” Love Letter for  Hire can help you compose your romantic, platonic or erotic symphony.