So, the economy has taken its toll on many households and relationships, but that does not mean that romance should suffer. Here are five budget-friendly romance adventures that can help keep the flame of love and desire burning bright in your home as you contiue to thrive and survive during these tough economic times.

5. Write your partner a personalized love letter or love note. Although cards can be beautiful, a handwritten note from you says 100 times more about your feelings for your partner. This is an unforgettable act and a romantic gesture guaranteed to last a lifetime in the heart of your beloved. It is also inexpensive as all you need is a pretty piece of stationary and matching envelope.

4. A picnic at a local park. Get really creative with this adventure. Pack the picnic basket with your beloved’s favorite foods/desserts or create a special meal which signifies your love for him/her. For examples, sweet potatoes could represent your beloved’s big heart. There are catering companies who can create these dishes for you, but beware as caterers can be costly. Either way, try not to spend more than your budget will allow. $50-$75 or less should be good for the appetizer, entree, dessert and drinks (plates and utensils are also included).

3. Create a “love” CD; download you and your mates favorite love songs on a CD and title it “Just Because.” Put the CD in your mate’s CD player in their car or on their Ipod with a note attached listing the names of the songs. You can go even further by briefly saying what memory or feeling each song respresents for your relationship. Now, every time he/she plays the CD, it will remind them of you and good feelings lead to hot things! And how much does this romance adventure cost? If done right, zero!

2. Roller or Ice Skate the night away! That’s right! Check with your local roller rink and find out when is couple’s night, or get even more bold, disco night, and go! When we were kids, the roller rink was the place to be seen with your love interest or to get their attention. Remember trying to show off your hottest move on skates? (in my case, only to fall flat on my butt in utter embarassment) This is not only fun, but a great way to get fit together as skating is an aerobic act, and if your blood is pumping from all of that action, wait until you get home! Skates and food might total $30 or less.

1. The Ice Cream Parlor. Here in Richmond, VA, we have a few old -fashioned ice cream parlors where they not only serve homemade ice cream at the counter, but candy and other sweet treats. How romantic to sit down and share a malt or Mint ice cream cone all for under $20. After eating your ice cream, take a walk around the local park (hopefully, it has a lake or pond). This is quite an experience to share.

Each of these romantic adventures share not just romance, but communication opportunities abound. Most relationships end because of lack of communication; but, these are a few options to help you keep that line open and to have fun on an ice cream budget as well.

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